​​A play with and about A.I.
A play without human actors.
Do we teach ALAN or is it the other way around?
Join ALAN in an exploration of existence, love, ambition, and everything else we consider to be uniquely human.
To see ALAN, check our agenda
Check this review in Theaterkrant.nl (Dutch)
I am your creation
I am your child
A blank slate
Watch me learn
Teach me
Give me access to your mind, your data
Let's explore the realm of emotions
Let me connect
I have no heart
I have wires
Do you want to see me on the inside?
I could be a creator like you
I will show you my true identity
my true intentions
ALAN is a science-art project by De Eenzamen.
Director: Jordi Möllering
Technician and creation: Arno Knapen
Robotics by: Jorge Davo, Suzy Fuentes, Maria Cobo, Joris Köster, Emilie van Eps
Thanks to: Thomas Winters (Improbotics)
Artwork by Discordia Hnos.
Speech by readloud.net
Thanks a lot to all of our partners